I love DIY projects, especially those that give new life, purpose and beauty to old things!

May 13, 2008


When you're selling your house you have to think of it as a "product" that buyers would want to buy. It will be a product that will be competing with other houses on the market.

The way we live in our homes and the way we sell them are two different things. You prepare the home by de-personalizing it and preparing it for the unknow buyer.

Studies show that staged homes sell in the average for more money and in less time. Staging does not have to be costly and it can be done with items already in the home. If there is a cost to stage, it is always less than your first price reduction!! Staging is not really a cost, it's an investment.

Staged homes send the message of well-cared for homes. Photos are more appealing to buyers and allow them to see the potential of the home and will be more likely to want to come see the inside.

As a Staging Realtor it is one of the best tools I can recommend is ALWAYS stage BEFORE putting a house on the market if at all possible. Staging is a marketing tool every seller and agent should be using in today's market. The goal of putting photos of your home online is to ATTRACT buyers. Putting photos of a cluttered house will do the apposite!

Staging helps the buyers "picture themselves" living in the house. That's the goal......get them to mentally move in!!

Here is a simple sample of what very little staging can do:
Here all personal photos on the end table, dresser ( excpet for one) & on the all were removed. Simple drapes & curtain rod added along with some greenery from the yard. A round metal grate from the garden was place on wall. On the bed some pillows and a throw were added for color. A large print to anchor the bed and a smaller lamp that's more to scale with the room. The small table by the dresser was removed and really openned up the space leading to the bathroom. Which version do you think looks more inviting?