I love DIY projects, especially those that give new life, purpose and beauty to old things!

November 02, 2009

Great Big Blessing - September 27, 2009

My little Wester's blessing was such a special moment in our lives. As Derek lovingly gave him his beautiful blessing I felt his love for his son. It was a true blessing for me to able to be there to witness such a special moment, in our lives. Derek asked me if I wanted to hold West, as he came back to sit down, and handed him to me. West's look was absolutely that of peace (he looked blessed) from having felt his father's blessing even though he was only a baby. That memory of him all dressed in white, laying on the white blanket his grandmother Lori made for him will stay with me forever.

Wester with grandpa Brent and grandma Lori

Wester with great-auntie Maria,
whom appears to have forgotten how to hold a baby! He he!

Wester with auntie Jodi, she's a natural!

The Wester with great-auntie Ophie.
He always loves it when she holds him!

Wester and his great-grandma Marie.

November 01, 2009

My Father's Gifts Oct 23, 1940 - Sep 1, 2009

I still cannot accept that fact that my father is no longer with us. My father was a fighter all his life and to not have him here with us is just not real yet. Not sure it will ever be. If you have ever tried to keep a positive attitude about life, you shoud have met my father. Nothing bothered him really. I never saw him mad or upset at anyone. I never heard him say a bad word in anger at anyone. He was always smiling! My father thought me a lot about gardening and how to grow plants and work the land. I think that's why I love playing in the dirt! He also thought me how to parallel park when I was 16! Many people have problems parking parallel, but not me. Every time I parallel park I think of him. Most important of all, my father gave his family, and his posterity, the gift of being citizens of this great country of ours that I love so much. What a priceless gift to give to those you love.

Since I was the first born, and I was born in June I tell my siblings I was my dad's first Father's Day gift!

My dad with his first grandchild, my daughter, Angel.

This my sister Soco's wedding. Nice bunch, Dad!

Here we are at my daughter's wedding in 2006. My dad sure made a beautiful family.

My dad meets his great-grandson, West, for the first and last time. They'll both miss out a great deal.

My dad, as my boyfriend Chris put it, was the strongest 90lb man I ever met.

Te recordamos siempre.
We remember you always.