After FIVE years of knowing my sweet and loving boyfriend, Chris, we headed out on our first "vacation" to OR to visit his parents, Molly and Peter.
We packed the dog, Tommy, and off we went. On the way there we stopped in Ashland, where we with Chris' friend, Steve and his wife Anna. Steve and Chris go way back to HS.
We had a fantastic dinner at Standing Stone Brewing Company(photo below), where I ordered their delicious Red Cabbage Cole Slaw...and got the recipe!
Here are Molly and Peter seeing us off in front of their home. Their home is so lovely inside...decorated in a Nautical theme with a ton of sentimental items from years gone by.
I came back home inspered to pull out all our treasures and display them so we can enjoy them every day.
This quilt was made my Chris' grandmother from her mother's old dresses! How lovely is that, right? I'll never throw away another piece of clothing again!
On our first day visiting South Beach, we went for a walk on the beach. It was sunny when we left the house and 10 minutes later we returned completely soaked and covered in hail! 
You got it! The photo below was strategically cropped to hide the extra minutes on my "hour glass" figure!
Here Chris with uncle Larry, who we visited on our back, in Crescent City. Sshh, don't tell anyone, but Chris is hiding his sigarette behind him. Larry was so much fun to hang out with and I hope to go back just so we can spend more time with him. The end :)