I love DIY projects, especially those that give new life, purpose and beauty to old things!

August 29, 2010

The Classic Pull-Along-Phone

I have about 5 videos of him pulling this little phone around the house. He just goes and goes! This cute phone was given to his mom by her dad, Al, on her 1st birthday. Seems like that was just yesterday, and now 26 yrs later my grandson loves pulling it around and making calls!

Wester just LOVES food! I gave him a huge piece of bread to see if he would try to eat it. He did!
I think he's try to take my phone.....loves to pretend he's call dad on it.

He loves getting thrown in the air by daddy

Grandma, you're taking another picture of me eating?

My grandson, the Westernator, has discover the art of pulling this little phone(given to his mother on her 1st birthday by her dad) around the house. He just goes and goes!

He LOVES to eat...I gave him a huge piece of bread just to if he would try to eat it and he did!